The main content of BFBI.uk is a one-name genealogical study 'The BRUSH families of the British Isles'. But it also includes sections on other families linked somehow to my particular BRUSH family (Blake, Umpelby, Wallis, Gurnett, Lewis, Mardlin, Freeman, John,....). The full list of contents is below but here are some key links:
The introductory section of the BFBI,if you want to read the whole history as if it was a book. It's a long read!
The early BRUSH family in Tewkesbury, c.1550. and in other parts of Gloucestershire
The roots of BRUSH families in the USA, c.1650
The English roots of the BLAKE family of Brisbane, Australia, c.1850
The 19th century WALLIS family in Westminster.
Wills - Images and transcripts
This list links to the chapters available online and gives an indication of the material available offline. The task of uploading and formatting it all is not going to be a quick job!!!
In the meantime do feel free to contact me : brushdw@gmail.com
Expanded contents list wuth chapters
Section 2 Suffolk and the east of England
Section 4 Gloucestershire and thereabouts 1454-16??
Section 10 Oxfordshire & Berkshire
Section 12 Emigrants to America
Section 13 Wiltshire 1641-1800
Section 15 South West 1701-1851
Section 18 Gloucestershire & Wiltshire 1701-1851
Section 19 London & Middlesex 1701-1851
Section 22 Newington to Dartford 1809 onward
Section 23 Inglesham to Harrow
Section 28 Isaac James & family
Section 29 London Direct from 1809
Section 33 Freeman, Hobbs & Smedley
Errors? More information? Comments? Please do get in touch: brushdw@gmail.com