
Previous Section 36: Title
Previous Chapter 36.x : ???

Section 36 : Worcester and Birmingham; 1775-1948

Chapter 36.A
John Brush and family

Thomas[W1] and his second wife Elizabeth baptised seven children at All Saints' Worcester between 1788 and 1803. Thomas, Elizabeth and Ann die as infants.  Three of their sons marry and continue the story:  John (the subject of this chapter), Joseph (chapter 36.B) and William. As discussed in chapter 36.A the youngest son William married Marie or Maria Chillingworth.  They appear to have had no children and moved, eventually, to Yeovil in Somerset.  Also as discussed in chapter 36.A, I believe Eliza remained single and died in 1857 age about 48.


John[W7], the son of Thomas[W1], is baptised in 1795 at All Saints' Worcester. This is the first baptism after Thomas's re-marriage.

In 1817 he marries Mary Ann Fleet at nearby Claines.  Presumably Mary Ann, the daughter of Thomas and Hannah Fleet baptised at Claines in 1796.  Over the next 18 or so years they baptise seven children.

John [W ??] is the first baptism in 1819, of whom nothing more is known - missing presumed dead?  Unless the burial recorded at Hanley Castle in 1841 is of him.  I include the question mark as Hanley castle is very close to Upton on Severn where there was another Brush family.

Edwin[W ](1822) and Alfred[W ](1825) die as children within a month of each other in 1828.

Cornelius[W ](1828) founds a lasting dynasty considered in chapter 36.D .

Alfred(1830), Selina(1833) and Ezekial(c.1835) all marry.  They are discussed below

John and Mary appear in the 1841 and 1851 censuses but not in 1861.  In 1841 his age is given as 40 and hers as 35 (which means birth dates of 1786-1801 and 1801-1806). Children at home are Cornelius 12, Alfred 10, Selina 8, Ezekial 6 and Letitia 4. He is a Leather Stainer.

In 1851 the household consists of John and Mary, Letitia(transcribed as Lessie) age 13, Alfred age 20, his wife Hannah age 23 and step grandson Alfred Porter. John is a Leather Stainer, Mary a laundress, Alfred a confectioner and Hannah a Book Binder.

In 1871 John appears to be listed age 77 as a servant to Sarah Ivens age 68, a widow with income from property. There are just the two of them in the household. She is listed as a widow, he as married, The Ancestry transcription gives his age as 17 but it looks more like 77 to me. Mary is not with John. She is listed in the workhouse at Worcester - a gloveress aged seventy 'something' with her birthplace confirmed as Claines and her status given as married.

In Q3 1871 the death of John age 75 is recorded at Worcester. He died on 1 September 1871. His death certificate shows the informant as George M Keys - the husband of his daughter Selina. [1871JohnDcert]

In Q2 1875 the death of Mary age 82 (thus born 1792/3 is recorded at Worcester. This makes her older than John, contrary to the census entries. It is also not a great match to the suggested baptism date of 1796.


Baptised in 1830 at St P's Worcester he is with his parents in 1841. He marries on 8 December 1850 to Hannah Porter (a widow) at St Peter's Dale End in Birmingham. Both are listed as 'of full age'. True for her but not for him? This is very close to Aston which also features in ??? . The marriage is witnessed by Charles and Barbara Holloway. At 1851 Alfred, Hannah and her son Alfred Porter are living with ( or staying with?) his parents.

At 1861 they are living in the St Mary district of Birmingham. His age is given as 30, hers as 34. As well as Alfred Porter they have two daughters Emma 9 and Jane 6.

Alfred dies in 1865 in the Birmingham RD.

Cornelius [W17]

In the 1851 census, at Aston in Warwickshire, Cornelius appears as Henry Brush age 22 (thus born 1828/9)a horse hair weaver born in "Worster", plus his wife Eliza age 19 also a horse hair weaver born in Worster. . I can find no later record for Henry, until his death in January 1908 age 77 in Aston - when he is listed as Henry Cornelius. The 1901 census lists him simply as Cornelius, age 72 Speculating even more wildly, Henry is in the same house as Anne, age 21, the wife of James Griffith. Anne, and their son Edward age 2 are also Worster born. Ann and her husband are also both horse hair weavers. Could Anne be a sister? Probably not, there is no marriage record supporting this idea.

Selina 1833-

Baptised in 1833 she marries George KEYS on 7 October 1855 at St P's Worcester.


He marries Harriett NEWMAN in Birmingham (st Jude?)on 5 May 1856.  They have three children, all in Birmingham. Twins Elizabeth and Harriett 1867 and son John 1871. Harriett marries Edward PIERPOINT . John dies 1934 Birmingham.

Next Sections
Chapter 36C: John and family.
Chapter 29D: The children of John and Mary

The BRUSH Families of the British Isles
       © David Brush 2006 to 2021

The BRUSH Families
of the British Isles
© David Brush 2006 to 2021