
    Chapter 4.B Brockworth generations (1) & (2)

Section 4 : Gloucestershire
and thereabouts, 1454 - 1623

Chapter 4.C

Brockworth, generation (3)

There was a BRUSH presence in and around Brockworth from the mid 16th century. We have records from 1562 onwards, considered in chapter 4.B .   By the turn of the century the grandchildren of Gyles (born in the 1570s and 80s) were begining to spread out, just a little.

In 1600 a John BRUSH marries Elizabeth BADDAM at Elmore in Gloucestershire. This fits well with John[G17], the son of Thomas[G7], baptised in Brockworth in 1572. The principal houses in the two parishes, Elmore Court and Brockworth Court, were both owned by the Guise family. Elmore is by the Severn on the other side of Gloucester, about 8 miles from Brockworth. In 1608 there is another John BRUSH reference at Hardwicke, 2 miles south of Elmore, in the survey 'Men and Armour for Gloucestershire'. His age is given as 'about 40' which would overstate his age by a few years (based on the 1571 baptism) but in the absence of any other obvious contender they seem likely to be the same man. He was described, not very flatteringly, as "of the meanest stature, either fir for a pyoner, or of little other use". The link between John and Thomas is reinforced by the small bequest in Thomas's 1618 will to the poor of Hardwicke.

A will dated 18 September 1604 (with probate granted in 1605) is indexed in the Ancestry website as being made by Thomas BRASHE of Sandhurst. Not the famous Army establishment but a village by the Severn, five miles north of Gloucester and seven miles from Brockworth. BRUSHE or BRASHE? The name is written multiple times (in at least two variants) and I reasonably confident that it is BRUSSHE.

The last example of the name, referencing his father Thomas Brush seems particularly convincing. Contrast the 'a' in Thomas and compare the 'u' in 'unto' :

He names his brother John and William and sister Agnes (aka Ann? see below) plus his father Thomas and mother Elizabeth. This seems to fit well with Thomas who was baptised in 1573. But Thomas 1573 s hown as dying1582 A death at age 30 is completely consistent with his parents surviving him. The later will of Thomas G5 makes no mention of his son Thomas or of Agnes.

The 1608 Men and Armour survey also Reference has already been made to William, who appears aged about 20 (so born c.1588) in the records in Gloucester. This seems likely to be be William[G14] the son of William[G6] who appears again four years later.

In 1612, around 29th September remembered by the witnesses as the feast of St Michael the Archangel, William BRUSH the younger, husbandman, of Brockworth makes his oral, nuncupative, will. This is normally done right at the last minute when a conventional will is not possible but he is not buried until 9 April 1613. Assuming him to be William[G14] born to William and Joan in 1588/9. He is just 23 but he has already married - to Agnes. He makes no provision for her (other than returning the property that was hers before she married !) and mentions no children. He appoints his father "William Brushe the elder of ... Brockworth" as his executor and residuary beneficiary. He does mention his sister Joan which reinforces the family link.

Three months before the will in June 1612 there appears to be a marriage of William BRUSH to Anne BRASSINGTON at Winstone, a parish seven miles SE of Brockworth. I say 'appears' for two reasons. Is this a BRUSH entry? Agnes and Anne seem to be different names but they were at times regarded as being interchangeable? See the interesting discussion of this in Christian Names in Local and Family History by George Redmonds . It is certainly a possibility. It also seems to have occurred in the children of Thomas and Elizabeth.

William's sister Joan is identified in his will as the wife of Henry Hallier of Brockworth and the mother of Elizabeth Hallier. The marriage of Joan and Henry was at 14 May 1601 . A son Richard is baptised at Brockworth in June 1603 and son Henry in 1606 (BT) Elizabeth 1609. Hester 1615

Plotting Winstone on the map of BRUSH locations is interesting. It is roughly midway between Brockworth and Cirencester. All of a sudden Brockworth and places like Compton Abdale and Ampney Crucis, mentioned below seem part of the same orbit.

In 1608 Men and Armour records a Thomas Brush at 'Combe' aged 50-60, a broadweaver. So born 1548-1558. My father's notes say that Combe "is believed by Glos R.O. to mean Great Witcombe" . He is too young to be Thomas the father of Isabel 1569 and it confirms the existence of two Thomases. This A broadweaver in Witcombe, the father of Elizabeth in 1574 and Thomas the yeoman of Brockworth. Only one can be the son of Giles the elder.

In 1614 Isabel, wife of Walter, is buried at Brockworth. It is possible that this was Isabell BAKER[G4a] who married Walter at Upton St Leonards in 1558. This would make her at least 74.

William the Elder "of Water Mead" dies in 1619 and is buried at Brockworth on ?25th July?. His will of 1618 does not add much to the story but is interesting in that, unlike most records, we have a copy of the will itself, bearing his mark. He leaves five pounds that he says is owed as a debt to Elizabeth Hallier the daughter of Henry Hallier. Elizabeth is his grandaughter, the daughter of Joan, but she is only 9. The debt appears to be the five pounds which was left to her in the will of William the younger, of which William senior was the executor. He also leaves forty shillings (i.e two pounds) to an unnamed Brush of Great Witcombe. That the beneficiary is unnamed seems very strange - there is simply a blank space in the text. It seems unlikely that it was his brother Thomas since in the same year Thomas in his will, below, identifies himself as ' of Brockworth'. Yet someone had baptised children at Great Witcombe - the 'second' Thomas.

Watermead is on the southern outskirts of Brockworth ( the Witcombe side) on the Painswick Road. There seems to have been a farm and row of cottages at Watermead dating back at least to this period. It is unlikely from what we know that William was the farmer but quite possible that he worked there and lived in one of the cottages.

In 1618 Thomas BRUSH, yeoman, of Brockworth makes his will . He was buried at Brockworth at 22 March 1620/1. Probate was in 1621.

The will of Thomas is very detailed; some would say overly fussy. It seems likely he was in his 70s . He describes himself as a 'yeoman' and holds 'free land' plus tenancies of land at Hardwicke and Bentham plus tenancies from the City of Gloucester and Brasenose College in Oxford. He leaves money to the poor of Brockworth but also to the poor of Bentham ( a parish just to the east of Brockworth where he holds land) and to the poor of Hardwicke. A link with Hardwicke supports the connection of John who married at Elmore. The money for Bentham is to be distributed by Thomas Brush and by John Bubbe.

He refers to his wife Elizabeth as still living, to his son John and John's daughters Agnes and Elizabeth.  Elizabeth is not yet of full age though Agnes seems to be which indicates births either side of 1597.   This timescale for John's children fits neatly with the baptism of John in November 1572.

He also mentions son William and William's wife Joan (his "nowe" wife which might suggest there had been another) and William's daughter Margaret (whose grandfather was Richard Bishoppe ). Margaret is still under 14. William was born in 1585 so if he had married around 1610 Margaret could be around 6 or 7 which fits with the arrangements being made for her maintenance. He also refers twice to a Thomas Brush, the first time without stating a relationship (which is out of keeping and suggests it was not his son - who probably died in in 1604 or 1605) and the second time as his "kinsman" where he also indicates that he has children. Thomas the kinsman seems most likely to be Thomas identified in 1608 as 'of Combe'. Given his age the most likely relationsh in 1608 and his could be a a cousin - maybe a son of brother William. He does not appear in the wills of either William but there is a 1577 Brockworth baptism of Thomas, son of William.

At 1618 Elizabeth Brush the daughter of Thomas Brush of Water Mead is baptized. Presumably Thomas the son of William .????? age 41.

At 1 September 1623 at Brockworth there appears to be the burial of Joan Brush of Watermead - the 'nowe' wife of William son of Thomas?

This seems to be the last entry at Brockworth. I have not been able to find a death or remarriage for Elizabeth the widow of Thomas.

I riQUlSltlOn taken at the Castle of Gloucester, 27th September, X 2 Charles I [1626], before Peter Byrde, esq., escheator, after the death of Samuel Coxwell, gent., by the oath of Richard Packer, gent., Joseph White, Robert Shcrwell, John Licence, Edward Wicke, William Brush,

InCJUlSltlOn taken at the Castle of Gloucester, 27th September, 2 Charles I [1626], before Peter Bird, esq., escheator, by virtue of his office, after the death of Thomas Loveridge, by the oath of Richard Packer, gent., Joseph White, gent., Robert Showll, John Licence, Ed- mund Wicke, William Brush, John Cowlestance, William Ockle, William Yarnoll, Thomas Keake, John Younge, Henry Crompe, William Venn, John Holder, Thomas Goslinge and John Hopkins, who say that Thomas Loveridge was seised of 1 toft and 12 acres of land, meadow and pasture called Dulls, lying in the parish of Dymock : which said premises are held of William Huntley, esq., as of his manor of Dymock in free and common socage, by fealty and suit at court, and are worth per annum, clear, 65. 8d. Thomas Loveridge died at Dymock, 12th October, 1 Charles I [1625] ; John Loveridge is his son and next heir, and was then aged 24 years and more. Misc. Chan., Inq. p. m., 2 Charles I, part 26, No. 140.



    Chapter 4.D Cheltenham, Cirencester & Wiltshire

(1) back to text    I'm not able to identify the source for this

Copied from Christian Names in Local and Family History by George Redmonds, 2004

(2) back to text    This definition taken from Veiled Assent, Hidden Dissension: Moments of Definition, Redefinition and Transition in the English Parish Church 1500-1700 by Jude Jones, available online Quare whether it was always by officials and not just a complaint by others.

(3) back to text    Except a single appearance a century later at Sherston in Wiltshire. A family line that almost certainly links back to the Gloucestershire families

The BRUSH Families of the British Isles
       © David Brush 2006 to 2020

The BRUSH Families
of the British Isles
© David Brush 2006 to 2020